Divine Love Divine Truth
ph: 303-587-4013
The Doctrine of Original Sin is a mocking, damnable lie!
Original Sin a damnable lie
February 3rd, 1916
I am here, Luke.
I come tonight to say a few words concerning; The Great Truth of the development of the soul in its Natural Love, wherein the New Birth is never experienced.
I know, that humans think that this Natural Love has in it, a part of the Divinity of the Father's Divine Nature that as they develop in the way of purifying it, and ridding it of those things, which tend to impair its Harmony, they will realize that there exists in their souls this Divinity, of which we have written. This is not True. This Natural Love partakes only of those elements, which the Father implanted in it at the time of human's Creation. In none of these elements are any of the Qualities of the Divine Nature.
It is difficult to explain, just the distinction between the Divine Love coming from the Father, and the Natural Love also coming from Him, yet, not having any of the Divine Nature, or Qualities. It is a fact. The Natural Love may become so purified, that it may come into Perfect Harmony with the Laws governing its condition and composition, yet, fall far short of having in it, any of the Divine Love.
So, as we have explained to you, the soul may obtain this Divine Love, and thereby become a part of the Father's Divinity. I will now try to explain how the Natural Love of human may be developed, so that their soul may come into Harmony with the Law of Love, the Natural Love, and make them a very happy, pure and contented being.
In the first place, I wish to say that there is no such thing in the World as "Original Sin", or evil, and that God did not create them, or permit them to exist, except, as He permits human to use their own will, without limitation. I mean by this that He does not say that a human, in the exercise of this will, shall do this, or do that. As respects this will, human is untrammeled. He does say, and His Laws are inexorable in this particular, that human, when in the exercise of the great power of free will, causes that will to come into conflict with the Will of God, or to violate His Laws, they, human, must suffer the consequences (of the Law).
This may be illustrated by your Natural Laws declaring the freedom of the press. Human may publish whatsoever they please. So long as they do not thereby, violate the rights of others, or of decency, they may make their publications without fear of the Law. But when in the exercise of this freedom of speech, as you call it, they violate the Law, then they must suffer the consequences of this violation.
So it is with the mortal, who in the exercise of their free will violates the Will of the Father, or the Laws (of Love and Harmony) limiting its exercise by the mortal, they must suffer the consequences. The results of this violation are sin and evil created, and in no other way. Surprising as it may sound to you; human is the creator of sin and evil. Not God, who is only Good.
Then the question arises, how can sin and evil be eradicated from the world? Every thoughtful human will have the same answer. That is by humans ceasing to violate the Will of God, or His Laws, which restrict the exercise of the wills of mortals, to that, which in its right exercise will not produce sin or evil. In other words, when humans, by the wrong use of their wills, bring about inharmony, they can, by the right use of their wills, not disturb that Harmony, which when it exists, leaves no room for the presence of sin and error.
So you see, the one thing necessary in order for humans to become happy and free from everything that defiles them, or causes unhappiness, or discord to exist, is to develop their souls in this Natural Love, until this Natural Love comes into Perfect Unison with the Laws that control it. Thus may be applied the oft quoted expression; that Love is the fulfilling of the Law. This means Love in its Purest and most Perfect State.
Now, how can this development of the Natural Love be accomplished by humans?
The mind, while a powerful helper in this regard, is not, of itself, sufficient to bring about this great desideratum. It is True that with every mortal, there is a constant warfare between the appetites and lusts of the flesh, and their Higher Desires. Hence, it is said, that these appetites and desires are sinful, the cause of evil and the inharmony that exists in the lives of mortals. This statement is not altogether True. For as human was made with Spiritual Aspirations and Desires, so also, were they made with appetites and desires of the flesh. The latter, of themselves, are not evils.
The failure to make the distinction between the fact that these appetites and desires of the flesh are not evil, and the fact that only the perversion of them brings evil, is the great stumbling block that stands in the way of human's developing this Natural Love in the manner that I have indicated. These, what are sometimes called the animal appetites and desires, may be exercised, in such a way, as to be in Perfect Harmony with the Laws that control them. In such exercise, not interfere with, or prevent, the development of this Natural Love to Perfection.
Human, in the free exercise of their will, has in their wanderings, gone beyond the limitations, which the Law of Harmony has placed upon them, added to, and increased and distorted, the appetites and desires of the flesh, which were originally bestowed upon them. Hence, has them self, created those things that are not in Harmony with the Creation of them self.
So you see, human is a creator, as well as a creature. As the latter, they cannot alter or change any of the effects of their Creation. As the former, they can alter and change, even abolish, the effects of their own creation. As the creator, is greater than the things that they created. Although, these things of their own creation have held him in bondage and unhappiness, to a more or less extent, ever since they became their creator. The strength of this apparent paradox is that the creator, human, has for all these long centuries believed it, and submitted to their creations, and still does so.
So what is the remedy?
Simply this: Human must Awaken to the fact that they are greater than their creatures (creations), and that their creations are subject to their will. That whenever, by their existence and workings, they bring discord and unhappiness, and cause their will to be exercised in opposition to the Will of the Father, then they must be destroyed. Never be permitted to come into existence again. Let humans become the masters of their creatures, and obedient to the Great Will of their Creator. They will realize that sin, error, and unhappiness will disappear. Their Natural Love will come into Harmony with the Laws of its Creation. Earth will indeed become a heaven. The Brotherhood (Fellowship) of Human established on Earth.
If humans will only think, and thinking, believe, that all sin and error, and the resulting unhappiness and sorrow in the World, are children of their own creation. Not the children of God. That, in the Economy of His Universe, He leaves the control, management, and even the existence of these children, to the will of their parents. They will then understand why evil exists, and why wars, hatred and misery continue on Earth, to blight the lives and happiness of mortals. Why, as some say, and especially the so-called christians, God permits all these things to exist, flourish, and apparently contradict the Great Truth, that He is Good, and the Fountainhead of All Goodness.
The Universe, the inhabitants thereof, and the Greatest Production of His Power, human, were All Created by God. But sin and error, and their awful followings, are the creatures of human. The Laws of His Universe work in Harmony. All is Good. Even the apparent inharmony, which human has created, does not affect that Great Harmony. But is confined in its workings to human, them self. Only human is apparently in inharmony. That is caused by human them self.
Suppose, for a moment, that human's will was working in accord with that of the Father. Can you imagine that there would be any of these creatures of human's perverted will in existence? Would there be any evil, hatred, disease, or suffering known to the consciousness of human? I tell you, no.
Now I say, human, their creator, must destroy these inharmonious creatures. Human must kill, and bury deep and forever, these children of the perverted exercise of their will. Until then, sin and error, and all their concomitants, will continue to live, flourish, and torment their creator.
I say here, with all emphasis, and with a full realization of the great significance and responsibility in the sight of God, which I assume in saying it, that human can destroy these bastard creatures of their will, so perverted and discordant.
Their Natural Love, if permitted to assert its God-Given powers and functions, is sufficient to bring their will in accord with that of the Father, and turn their thoughts away from these children of their, and to make them conscious of Purity and Truth. The dead desires, and dead appetites, will bury their dead children. Human will come into their own again.
Then comes the question. How is human to accomplish this great end, so devoutly to be wished for?
Well, it is late now. I will write upon this important feature of this development of their Natural Love in my next message.
So with all my Love, I will say goodnight.
Your brother in Christ, Luke.
April 27th, 1916
Original Sin a Damable Lie
I am here, Luke.
I have not written you for some time. I desire to write a short message tonight on the subject of: What is necessary for a human to do, to recover the purity of soul and Love that was possessed by the First Parents, I mean as a human possessing the Natural Love only.
Well, in the first place, they should realize that they are a Perfect Creature of God, and that their sins and diseases are merely the results of their own (inharmonious) thoughts, and of qualities that have come to them down the long ages of their ancestors living on Earth.
They need not suppose that these sins and desires are inherent in, or a part of, their Creation, for they are not. But merely accretions that fastened themselves upon them by reason of the thoughts they have had, and the resultant course of Life they have led. When they change these thoughts, which will necessarily bring about a change in their manner of living, they will find that they can progress toward the condition of the Perfect Human.
I know that many of these thoughts are so deep seated that they seem almost a part of their Very Nature, and can only be eradicated by the death of their physical body. This is not True. Human, even while in the full vigor of their Humanhood, and possessed with all the appetites and desires, which arise from the perverted indulgence of these desires, either on the part of themselves, or on the part of those from whom they are said to have inherited them, may relieve themselves from these (perverted) desires, and become a human having only the thoughts of Good, and desires for those things, which are in Harmony with the Nature of their Perfect Creation.
This I know seems to human a thing impossible. So thinking, they do not try to accomplish what I say they may accomplish, and to become free from these sins and unnatural appetites. The almost universal belief in "Original Sin" has caused humans, all along the ages, to think that such a task is hopeless. That they are thinking and acting only in accordance with the appetites and desires that God has implanted in their Natures, and that so long as they indulge these thoughts and desires, in a moderate, or respectable, way, they are not doing that which is contrary to God's Will, or to their own Nature.
This "Doctrine of Original Sin" is a mocking, damnable lie! The sooner human realizes the fact that it is a fraud and deceit, the sooner they will be able to get rid of those things, which have placed them in their present condition, and held them there bound, as it were, hand and foot. This supine submission to this old, and ever recurring, belief is the great thing that prevents human from starting to progress towards the attainment of that condition, which is Purity, health, and the Perfect Human.
Human must decline, and no longer submit to this belief! Which, I am sorry to say, is fostered by the teachings of the orthodox churches, in order to sustain and make forcible their creeds and dogmas, to show to human that they are not to be considered worthy of the Mercy of the Father, cannot possibly obtain that Mercy, and be relieved from the great wrath and punishment that God has prepared for them (God has no "great wrath" towards His Children, ed.), unless they believe and acknowledge that they are a dependent and lost human, unworthy of the Father's Favor, or the help of the instrumentalities, which the Father uses to assist humans in regaining their Lost Estate (of Perfection).
If humans would only think, and in thinking, realize, that, they are Dear Children of The Father, His Highest Creation. That He prizes them above All His Creatures, and wants them to know that they are beings of such wonderful qualities and possibilities, they would then have come to them an overpowering and convincing sense of what they really are, and of how necessary it is for them to assert their rights as such Exalted Creatures of The Father. Would realize that they are masters of sin and disease, for they are the creators of the same. When they shall assume such position, and become possessed of such Knowledge, they will find that they have a wonderful power, as Creatures of The Father, they will realize that they are masters of sin that must be gotten rid of.
Let humans for a moment think again, and thinking, know that God does not desire His Greatest Creature to become, or be, less than the Perfect Being that He Created. He is not flattered, nor does He have any pleasure in the thought, that human is degraded and fallen from their Perfect Creation, and that in order to rise again they, human, must believe that God may show His Power in rescuing them from their low and hopeless condition. No, God is not pleased by human assuming such an attitude, nor does He need any such helpless condition of human that He may show His Power, or gratify, what the teachings of these orthodox imply, His vanity, which He has not.
In this particular human must work out his or her own salvation. It will be a difficult task, so long as they continue to believe, and act upon that belief, that they are a creature of "original sin". That as God in the beginning failed to make them the Perfect Human, so now, only God can remedy what He failed to provide in His Creation, and that human of them self can do nothing. That all they have to do is to wait until God is pleased to recreate them, and thereby take from their very nature this great curse of the "original sin". See the great fatality of such belief! How it tends to make human a slave of, and obedient to, this false belief in this blight of "original sin".
God gave to human, in their Creation, the great power of will. The right to its unlimited exercise, subject only to the penalties of a wrongful exercise (in violation of the Spiritual Laws of Love and Harmony). By the exercise of that will, human created sin and disease, became depraved and fallen, the possessor of false beliefs, as to the Perfection of their Nature. By the exercise of that will, human, them self, must redeem them self from this condition of depravity and false belief, and again become the Perfect Human, God's Wholly Perfect Creation.
As human was in the beginning the Perfect son (and daughter) of God, and by their own will, created their own and only devil, so must they, by this same power, kill this devil and again become the Perfect son (and daughter). They must believe, declare, and show the sincerity of their beliefs, by their acts and living, that they are a Perfect son (or daughter) of the Father, needing no new Creation.
This I have written to show what human was in the beginning, and what they really and truly are now; although covered with sin, disease, and false beliefs.
To recover this Lost Estate, or better, condition, they will find that by searching for, learning, and acting upon, many of the Moral Precepts of the Bible, and of other so-called sacred writings, they will be greatly helped and strengthened in their efforts. Above all, let them understand and believe, with the certainty of knowledge, that they are God's Highest and Most Perfect Creation.
Now, from what I have said, it must not be inferred that human is their own god, and has not, and needs not, any Tender, Loving Father, who is interested in them, and always ready to help them, whenever they earnestly and in sincerity asks the Help of that Father. Always, is human dependent upon God! That dependence is not recognized by God, unless human first recognizes it, and by their longings and thoughts shows to the Father that they need His Help.
This may seem unbelievable, but human was Created so independent in their great will power, as regards the dualities of thought and desire, both Spiritual and material, that God never interferes to compel. The Principle involved in, "WHOSOEVER WILL", must be exercised by human before the Father will intervene. When it is exercised, He does Intervene, and never refuses, or fails to answer, the call of the sincere cry of human for Help.
God does help human in their recovery from the state of false beliefs and degradation that I have mentioned. His Love overshadows all humans. His Instrumentalities are always ready and waiting to answer the call upon Him for His Help in assisting them out of their condition of sin, disease and false beliefs. For, as I have elsewhere written you, in God's Universe there must be Perfect Harmony. The present human, so far as their own creation of inharmony is concerned, is not in that Harmony. Ultimately, human, all humans will become again the Perfect Human.
Of course, you will understand that what I have written, does not apply to the Redeemed sons and daughters of God who receive the New Birth and become partakers of the Divine Nature of The Father. In their case, the Perfect Human is absorbed into the Divine Angel.
I have written longer than I intended, but as the theme is an interesting as well as important one, I thought it best to write just as I have.
I will now say goodnight, and leave with you my Love and blessings, your brother in Christ, Luke.
Original Sin a damnable lie
March 13th, 1919
I am here, Abraham Lincoln.
Let me write a few lines tonight, as you are in good condition to receive my message.
Well, I see that you have been thinking a great deal about Spiritual Things, and have longed for the Divine Love of the Father. By such thoughts, and longings, you have come unto a condition that enables the Celestial Spirits to make a rapport with you.
Tonight, I desire to write for a short time on the subject of; "How important it is for humans to learn the Truths of God, in reference to the Plan, which He has prescribed for Human's Salvation, and their coming into Harmony with the Laws that govern them, as the Created Human.
As you have been told, in the beginning, human was Created Perfect, and in all the constituent parts of their being, made in Harmony with God's Laws controlling human as a Perfect Creature. If they had never disobeyed the Precepts of the Father, they would have always remained the Perfect Human.
Now this condition of human, is a fundamental one. The soul, is in itself, just as capable of that Perfection, as it was when Created. Only by the sin of disobedience, was it alienated from God, and made the possessor of those things, which tend to contaminate it, and cause its Pure Condition to be overshadowed, and dormant, as to this Perfection.
All of God's Universe is Perfect! Subject to the Workings of His Perfect Laws (of Love and Harmony). When that condition exists, which shows that some one, or other, of His Creatures are not working, or being, in Harmony with these Laws, it only means, that in order for the restoration to the Harmonious Existence, human must renounce, and get rid of, these foreign things, that have the effect of interfering with the Harmony of their Creation.
There is no such thing as total depravity, or "Original Sin", or the existence of any condition of the soul in this "Original Sin", that cannot be remedied by the application of the proper treatment, and the removal of the incubus. Human, in order to become Perfect again, as they were before "the fall", is not required to be recreated, or have imposed upon them, that, which will make them a new, or different, being, from what they were in the beginning. The Perfect Human is still in existence, but is hidden from the sight and consciousness of humans. Needs only their revealment, by eliminating from them, "the covering", which now hides their Real Self (the soul). Nothing new is needed! Only the riddance of the soul from those things, which do not belong to it. Then, the soul will appear, just as it was Created. A Perfect Soul, made in the image of God, but not formed from any portion of the Great Oversoul of the Father.
For a long time now, human has remained in this condition of having their soul "covered over" by those things that are merely the results of the perversion of their appetites, and the animal part of their Nature. It is only by a process of renunciation, that these encumbrances can be gotten rid of, and human stand forth, a free and Glorious Being, as they were before the burden of sin came upon them.
In this process, they need no one to pay any supposed debt to the Father, or to make an atonement for them. They must, them self, by their course of thinking, and consequent doing, remove the things that cause them to appear to them self, and to others, the outcast from God's Favor. In order to accomplish this, they must first renounce the idea that they are a vile being, and not worthy of the Favor of the Father, and assert their belief that they, as the human, is the Perfect Creature of God, and can, of them self, regain the Estate, from which they have fallen. Let sin and error be removed from their present, apparent, existence. In doing this, they will be helped by the spirits of humans, who from their own experience, Know, that sin and error has no Real Existence in the Economy of God, but in the living of human, on Earth, and in the Spirit World as well, have a Reality, that has prevented humans from finding their True Selves (soul).
The Renunciation, is not so much a matter of the intellect, as it is of the Moral Nature of Human. They, while they must use their mind, and its attributes, in working out this Renunciation, yet must try earnestly, and certainly, use the Moral Faculties of their True Nature. For the perversions of these faculties, are the foundation of their present condition of sin and error. This renunciation may take a long time to be accomplished, as humans look upon time. It will finally come to pass. The Harmony of God's Universe will be restored. In the meantime, humans will suffer, for this renunciation is always accompanied by suffering, not so much as a necessary ingredient, or penalty, of the renunciation, but as a consequence of the changing of humans wills, and desires, in the process of reaching again The Condition of the Perfect Human.
I will stop now, as the rapport has ceased, but will come again.
Goodnight, I am your friend and well-wisher. Abraham Lincoln.
Original Sin a damnable lie
Copyright 2011 Divine Love Divine Truth. All rights reserved.
ph: 303-587-4013