Divine Love Divine Truth
ph: 303-587-4013
1915 September
Messages from Jesus and Celestials on Divine Love 1915 September
September 5th, 1915
I am here, Luther. Martin Luther.
I came again because I want to tell you that I was with you this afternoon when you were reading the comments on the origin and different versions of the Bible. Among them, was a reference to my version. I want to say that while my version was a pretty correct translation, yet the manuscripts, and other versions, upon which I based my translation, were not the Real Writings of those who profess to have written them. I mean that those manuscripts were not True Copies of the Original Epistles, and books, written by those whose names they bear. Many interpretations, and more constructions, were given to the texts of the originals than you, or any other mortal, are aware of.
The Bible as now written, and as I translated it, is full of contradictions and errors, and makes the Truth hard to ascertain. Take for instance that one subject of the blood redemption. No greater error was ever written than that, the blood of Jesus saves from sin, or that his blood washes away sin. It seems to me now, so absurd, that I wonder, and am astonished that I could ever have believed in such an absurdity.
I know now, that there is no efficacy in Jesus' blood to accomplish any such results. The pity is that many humans now believe this. As a consequence, neglect the One Vital and important requirement necessary to Salvation, that is the New Birth. This and this only, saves humans from their sins, and fits them to enter the Celestial Kingdom of God, which is the Kingdom of Jesus, for he is the Prince of that Kingdom, and the Ruler thereof.
Jesus never said any such thing. He has told me so. This saying that his blood was shed for many is not True. He never said it. Neither did he say "drink the wine", being his blood, in remembrance of him. The wine is not his blood. Neither does it represent anything that has to do with him, or his mission on earth, or his present work in the Spirit World. How unfortunate that this saying is made to represent something that he did not say.
So in order to understand the Real Truths of God, and human's relationship to Him, and His Plan of Salvation, you must believe what the Master shall write you, and what his apostles may write. For now they understand what his True Mission was, and what he attempted and intended to teach when on Earth, and what he is teaching now.
I also will write sometimes and give you the result of my instructions and knowledge, as I received them since being here.
I will not write more tonight.
Your brother in Christ, Martin Luther.
September 5th, 1915
I will write a little, as I am interested in what you have received from Luther tonight. As I am supposed to have written the Gospel of Luke, I desire to say a few things in reference to the correctness, or rather incorrectness, of many things contained in my Gospel.
As you infer, I am St. Luke, the writer of the Third Gospel and a follower of Jesus.
My Gospel was not founded on anything I had personal Knowledge of, but upon the writings of others, and the traditions, which were the common knowledge of many Christians at that time. I knew several of the apostles and obtained much of my information from them, as well as from many of the Christians who were members of the congregations to which these apostles preached and expounded the sayings of Jesus.
In my Gospel, as now contained in the authorized version, there are many things that have been interpolated. This version was not based on what I wrote, but upon pretended copies of my writings. The persons who made these copies did not follow literally my writings, but added to my text, and gave their own interpretations of what I had written, in such a way as to destroy the True Meaning of what was intended to be conveyed by my writings.
There are many Truths contained in the Gospel, as now written in the Bible. They are the Truths of God. There are also many errors, which contradict these Truths. For instance, I never wrote that Jesus commanded his disciples to believe that the wine was his blood, or the bread his body, and to eat and drink these things in remembrance of him. How this interpolation could have been made, I do not know. I will observe that the same things are said in all the four Gospels. This saying must have been derived from a common source, and that must have been the minds of those who pretended to copy the Gospels.
I tell you now, that this saying that the blood of Jesus saves from sin is not True. If humans depend upon this blood for their Salvation, they will never be saved, but will enter the Spirit World in all their sins. Will be surprised to learn that Jesus is not waiting to receive them in his arms and carry them to the mansions prepared for the Truly Redeemed of the sons of humans.
I know that a vast number of the members of the various churches believe this harmful doctrine. That as a consequence, many persons claiming to be Christians will realize that their sins have not been forgiven them when they come into the Spirit World.
Sometime, as these writings continue, I will point out the errors of my Gospel, to an extent that will show you the fact of what great additions and misinterpretations have been made thereto.
I will stop now.
Your brother in Christ, St. Luke.
September 5th, 1915
I will say a word also. I am your own dear grandmother.
I came to tell you that I know now that the blood of Jesus does not save from sin. You will remember how, when on Earth, I believed this doctrine of error. How I used to talk about the precious blood of Jesus being able to save from all sin, and used to sing with all my heart and belief in the old hymn: "There is a fountain filled with blood" and so forth. Well, I know now that that belief is all wrong. That Jesus is so anxious to have humans learn that it is a great error, and stumbling block, to the soul's progression.
Of course, I know that a vast majority of those now living will never believe that this saying of the Bible is erroneous, until they come to the Spirit World. If they only could be taught to throw aside this belief and rely entirely on the Divine Love for their Salvation, while on Earth, how much easier their progress would be when they come over. So you see, that while many say that a belief does not amount to much, yet I tell you that it causes more unhappiness, and retards the progress of spirits to a greater extent, than any other one thing.
I know that only the Divine Love of the Father saves from sin and makes mortals At-One with Him. So in your work for the Master, you will have to make great efforts to cause people to give up this belief in the blood, and turn to the Truth of the New Birth. Many of the orthodox will oppose your efforts, and refuse to believe what you may tell them to be the Truth. Many will believe and seek this New Birth, and find the Peace and Happiness of a soul whose sins have been forgiven. I must not write more tonight.
I will come again soon and tell you more of the result of your work among the unfortunate spirits who seek your help.
So my dear son, I will say goodnight, your loving grandmother, Ann Rollins.
September 5th, 1915
I am here, Jesus.
I was with you tonight. I heard what you said about the Bible and its writers. I desire to say that many things in it were not written by my disciples, or by those to whom my disciples had delivered the sayings that I made use of while on Earth. The text as contained in the present Bible is not a True Copy of what I said, or what was in the manuscripts of those who originally wrote. I am trying to correct the many errors that the Bible contains.
Well, the sayings in the Epistles, in the Gospels, and in Revelation, to the effect that my blood saves from sin, are erroneous. My disciples never wrote that false doctrine. I repeat here, what I have before written you, that my blood has nothing to do with the Redemption of Humankind from sin, nor has my blood any effect, in reconciling humans to God, or making them One with Him. The only thing that works this Great Result is the New Birth, as I have explained it to you. So do not let these sayings of the Bible disturb your belief in what I say now, or in what I may hereafter say.
Well, the Revelation of John is not True. It is a mere allegory, and not just as he wrote it. It contains many things that are absurd, and not in accord with the Truths, as I shall write them to you. He has written you already on the "Revelations", and told you what he did not write. He has been annoyed by this Book of the Bible, and its interpretations, by the preachers and others. It is nothing but a revelation of a vision, which he thought he saw while in a trance, as you mortals say. I mean that the real Revelation that he wrote, is only the vision of a trance. So let not these things disturb you.
I see that you are getting more of the Divine Love in your soul. Your spiritual eyes will be opened. Your soul perceptions will, before long, see and understand many of the Vital Truths of God.
I will not write more tonight.
With all my Love, I am, your brother and friend, Jesus.
September 7th, 1915
I am here, John of the Revelation.
I saw you studying the Bible, or rather those portions of the book, which treated of the Salvation of Humankind, through the blood of Jesus, and that you made extracts from the Revelation, which declared that the blood of Jesus washed away sins of humankind and redeemed them.
Well, I want to say that while I wrote a Revelation, or rather dictated it to another to write, I never wrote the words declaring the Salvation of Humankind through the blood of Jesus, which declared that the blood of Jesus washed away sins of humankind and redeemed them. I did not believe any such doctrine, and had never been taught such a belief by Jesus.
Much of the matter contained in the Revelation, I never wrote. Humans, or scribes, who professed to copy the description of my vision, added to it, for the purpose of incorporating therein, the views of the Christians of that early day. So that their views might be emphasized, and in union with similar views that had been added to the Gospels and Epistles in the copies, which these same persons, or their predecessors, in these views had made.
The Revelation is merely a vision, which I had when in a trance, and was undoubtedly intended to illustrate or predict those things, which would be visited upon the believers, and the nonbelievers, in the Truths of God, as taught by Jesus and his apostles. At the present day, I cannot see that this book can serve any good purpose in making humans acquainted with the Truths of God, or with the relationship of human to God. Many of the things therein contained are not True, as a Truth, but were used merely to illustrate a Truth. There are no streets of gold, pearly gates, dragons, beasts, white horse, or other material things, which are depicted in that book. It is valuable, only so far as imagery may show to humankind some Spiritual Truth. Besides, it has been so embellished, and added to, that many of its figures, or images, do not illustrate any Truth, or anything else, but merely serves to give the book the character and appearance of a book of mysteries.
So, I advise you, in attempting to search for the Truths that the Bible contains, do not waste your time in trying to discover the meanings of the various dark sayings and mysterious descriptions which this book contains.
There are enough Truths in the Bible, though mixed with many errors, to lead humans to the Light, and to Salvation. Divine Love is the Great Principle, and the fact that God is waiting to bestow that Divine Love on humankind, if they will only seek for it. As it is the Principle, which is sufficient to lead humans to the Celestial Homes and Happiness.
I am not an advocate of all the isms, which humans draw, or formulate, from the Bible. On the contrary, deplore and condemn the misconstruction of the Truths, which it contains, and which humans may understand, if they will search for them in humbleness, and in the spirit of a little child.
Whatever of errors may be written in the Bible will be shown by the messages, which Jesus shall write to you, and after they are transmitted and made known to humankind, there will be no occasion for humans to accept, or believe, these errors.
So, I tell you, that while the Bible, even as now written, is a grand old book, yet it is not the True Mouthpiece of God in very many particulars. Is a stumbling block to human's acquiring a correct knowledge of the Truths of God. These Truths will not conflict with the reasoning of the normal human who is not prejudiced by views, which are erroneous, either in the scientific, or the religious world.
A human who believes what is not True, is just as much an infidel, whether that belief relates to the sciences, or to religion. A belief in the false, is a want of belief in the True. Hence, as to the True, he is not a believer.
I will not write more tonight. So will say, goodnight and God Bless you, and your work.
Your brother in Christ, John of Revelation.
September 7th, 1915
I am here, John the Baptist.
I come because I want to encourage you to pray more and to believe. The Father's Divine Love is waiting for you to fill your soul to its utmost. The only things required on your part are prayer and Faith. We are all interested in you, and want you to get into a condition that will enable you to take the Master's messages as rapidly as possible, for the time is now ripe when they should be given to humankind, and started on their work of Redeeming humans from false beliefs, and erroneous doctrines and dogmas. I, John, tell you this, for I can see that humans are longing for the Truths of God, such Truths as will remove from the teachings of the Spiritually guided all superstition and errors. Such Truths as will accord with the reasoning of humans who are not biased by erroneous beliefs either in matters Spiritual, or material.
I tell you that these Truths will be easier for the mere materialist to receive and understand, than by those who are bound by the beliefs, which the creeds and dogmas of the churches have inculcated. The acceptance of this New Revelation of the Truths of God, will be by those who have no preconceived ideas of what the nature, and relation, of man to God, in the Spiritual Sense is, rather than by the learned theologian, and the simple worshipper at the altars of the churches, who believe whatever may be told them by the priests and preachers.
As I was at one time, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, I am now the voice of many spirits of God, who Know that the Master will teach the Truths of his Father, and that these Truths must be accepted by mortals on Earth, and by spirits in the Spirit World, in order that they may receive that Salvation, which the Father has prepared for them, which, when accepted, realized, and possessed, will fit them to become partakers of the Happiness and Immortality, which the Father has promised them.
I have written you in this manner tonight, because I want you to realize more fully, and deeply, the important work, which the Master has selected you to do, also the necessity of continuing this work at the earliest possible moment.
Well, I have been interested in the great amount of discussion on that point, and how the belief one way, or the other, has caused those calling themselves Christians to form distinct sects. If they only knew, or would know, that it does not make a particle of difference to their soul's Salvation, whether Jesus was immersed, or sprinkled, they would not let the bitter feeling arise, that frequently does in discussing this matter. To settle this dispute to the satisfaction of those who may read the book, which you may publish, and believe in its statements, I will say, that when I baptized Jesus, I went with him into the water, and then took the water in my hands and placed it on his head. There was no immersion.
As this water was merely symbolical of the washing away of sin and error, and does not actually accomplish that Great Necessity, in order for humans to become One with God, it did not make any difference whether the recipient of baptism was immersed, or sprinkled.
It is strange that many humans, who profess to have received the forgiveness of their sins and become reconciled to God, should let a trifling thing of this kind cause so much strife and bitter disputations.
I will now stop.
Your brother in Christ John The Baptist.
September 7th, 1915
I am here, Mary Kennedy.
I am so glad for the opportunity to write to my dear soulmate (Dr. Leslie Stone) as it has been a long time since I wrote to him, and told him of my Love and happiness.
He is more dear to me than ever. While he cannot hear me tell him so, yet every day I am with him and try to breathe into his ear the expressions of the great Love which I have for him. I wish that he had the power to write as you have, for if he had, I believe that I would monopolize all his time in telling him how much I Love him, and how I long for the time to come when I can have him all to myself. He, I know, cannot realize what a Love like mine is. Thank God, in the not far distant future, I will be able to enfold him in my arms, and tell him with all the feelings and warmth of my soul how much I Love him and how dear he is to me.
I am with him nearly all the time, trying to cheer him, and make him feel that he is not alone in his struggles in Life, and that my love for him is so great, and with and in him all the time. When he prays, I pray with him. When he is happy, I am happy too. When he is unhappy, I am not unhappy, but sympathize with him, and exert myself to make him realize the great Love that I have for him, and that I am near him.
His sorrows are only temporary, and my Love is eternal. My love means his happiness as well as mine.
So tell him to believe with all his heart that his Mary is with him, and will be with him in all his times of sorrow and joy, and will try to interpenetrate his soul with her own burning and pure Love, which is all his and which can never be given to another.
I read his letters, which he writes at night. For every expression of Love, which they contain, I have a responsive answer, only more intense and more longing. Tell him not to stop writing to me, for I can see what he writes. Tell him also that he must believe that my answers are all that he would have them to be and more too.
I must not trespass longer on your indulgence, but only wish to say that I Love my dear Leslie with all my heart and soul, and will so love him, until time and Eternity shall be no more. Oh, how I wish that I could have him see me face to face, and hear my voice telling him of my great Love, and that he is mine and I am his.
So kind friend, I thank you, and will give way to your wife to resume.
Mrs. Padgett resumes:
Well, sweetheart, isn't she a dear, Loving soulmate? It does me so much good to hear her tell her Love to the Doctor, and see her eyes and whole being aflame with Love to him. Helen.
September 9th, 1915
I am here, your Grandmother.
All I know about the origin of the Book of Revelation is what I have heard from John (St. John). He has told me, substantially what he has told you. I believe what he has said. I know that many things in the Book are not True, and that its mysteries are not worth attempting to fathom, because they do not contain any Spiritual Truths. These Truths are so plain, and so simple, that it requires no mysterious statement of them to be made, so that humans will hesitate to understand their import. So my advice to you is to receive what the Master may write, and believe in what he communicates.
Question: What about Baptism?
Well, baptism is not essential to a human's Salvation. It is merely symbolical of the Truth of a reuniting with the Divine Love of the Father. When you can receive that Divine Love in (Spiritual) Substance and Reality, what is the need of resorting to a mere shadow. I tell you, that no baptism, or drinking wine and eating bread in remembrance of Jesus, is necessary to Salvation, and are not even advisable, so far as the Actual Salvation of Human is concerned. Because many persons, when they are baptized, believe that is all that is necessary to Salvation, and neglect the Real Development of the Soul, and the desire to have the inflowing of the Divine Love, without which, there is no Salvation. Have Faith, and trust in the Master.
So with all my Love, I am, your own Loving Grandmother. (Ann Rollins)
September 12th, 1915
I am here, Jesus.
I was with you tonight. I saw that the Holy Spirit was filling your heart with the Divine Love of the Father, and that you realized its Presence, and felt that even though the people who worshipped me in their ignorance, yet they have this Divine Love of the Father, to a great degree.
I do not approve of their frequent reference to my blood, as saving them from their sins and keeping them in the Grace and Favor of the Father. As I have told you, my blood has nothing to do with the Salvation of any soul. Only the Divine Love of the Father saves a soul from sin and makes it One with the Father in His Divine Love and Divinity.
Nevertheless, these people have this Divine Love in their hearts. While with their intellects they look upon me as God, yet their souls are turning to God. Consequently, they receive the Blessings of the Father's Divine Love, and are receiving to a large extent the development of their souls.
I am glad that you attend these meetings (The Church of the Holiness, Washington, D. C.), for in them is a Wonderful Presence of the Holy Spirit and the Divine Love of the Father. While you may not be in sympathy with their doctrines, as to who and what saves them from sin and unrighteousness, yet the Influence of the Holy Spirit is so great, that it helps your Soul Development.
I tried to influence the speakers, to tell just what the conditions of their souls were, and what experience they had in receiving and enjoying the Divine Love. Many of them experience, and have as a part of their religious possession, just what they said they had.
It will be beneficial to you to attend this church, and get the benefit of the Presence of the Holy Spirit, which is with them in their worship.
I was with you, and tried to make you feel my presence. I did, and you felt a little exaltation of your soul qualities and enjoyed the services, especially the singing and the prayers.
So, while you must not be influenced by their doctrines, as to my being God, or to be worshipped, yet if you will ignore this, and only consider that their Real Worship is of God, and that their souls are in Unison with Him, you will find that these services will do you much good.
I am with you very much. I am trying to get you relieved from the worries, which come to you. I am also trying to help you get in that Spiritual Condition, which is necessary in order for you to take and continue my formal messages.
Yes, you are. I am glad that it is so. I want you to become a human so possessed of this Divine Love, and of Faith so strong that nothing that you may encounter will swerve you from your convictions and from your work.
I see that you are anxious to continue this work. You will soon be able to do so.
Yes, I know that the Bible iterates, and reiterates, the statement that I am God, and that my blood saves from sin, and that I am a propitiation for humankind. Nevertheless, the Bible is all wrong. These false doctrines must be corrected. Humans taught the True Plan of Salvation. I will be with you very often until we have commenced our work, in the way that we desire to carry it forward. Let not anything that you may read in the Bible, cause you to have a conception that may not agree with what I shall write. Let your mind be blank on these Truths. Wait until I shall disclose them to you, and believe me.
John never wrote these statements, as contained in his Epistles and Gospel. He will write to you denying that he did. The Bible contains many Truths, and many of my sayings, but also many statements that were never made by me, or by the apostles. My mission now is to correct all these errors. So you see we have much work ahead of us. We must commence it as soon as possible.
I am with you tonight to comfort and encourage you, and help you to overcome not only your worries, (but your fears?). If you will only pray to the Father, and believe, you will be successful in both particulars.
I will not write more tonight as others are here to write. I desire that they shall do so.
Your brother and friend, Jesus.
September 12th, 1915
I am here, Jehosephat.
I was a character in the Old Testament. I want to say just a word. I am a Christian, and Redeemed by the Divine Love of the Father.
I was not a very religious human when I lived, and never knew what the Love of God was. Although, you might think from my association with Him, as portrayed in the Bible, that I was a righteous human.
I was a man possessed of great mediumistic powers. Through me, the spirits would communicate those things, which they said came from God. I was not a teacher myself, and was not in condition to teach Spiritual Truths, for I was only a Jew of the Pharisees, who had certain intellectual beliefs as to what kind of worship should be given to God, and what humans should do otherwise, in their dealings with one another.
I merely wanted to say this, so that you might know that while we, are what you would call ancient spirits, yet we are interested in your work, which the Master has called upon you to do.
I will say goodnight, Jehosephat.
September 12th, 1915
I am here, John.
I do not write St. John, because, I am not called by that name in the Spirit Heavens. I have written you often enough now, that you will identify me when I merely write John.
Well, I heard what the Master said. I can only add thereto, that I never wrote the things, which declare that I preached that the blood of Jesus saves from sin, or that Jesus was a propitiation for the sins of humankind. Neither in my Gospel, nor in my Epistles, nor in Revelation, did I write such a doctrine. As I have told you before, many things contained in these books were written by others to carry out certain plans and ideas of the writers. I never said that Jesus was God, and that he was begotten by the Holy Ghost, or that he is equal with God, or that he saved a human from sin, by reason of any personal qualities, which he may have had.
So let your mind eliminate these false doctrines, and receive the Truths, which the Master shall write, with a perfectly unbiased mind, free from all preconceived ideas.
(Answer to question by Mr. Padgett follows:)
I meant that many spirits would try to communicate with human, and attempt to teach false doctrines, as to Jesus and his Mission. That the only spirits who were capable of conveying the Truth, and worthy of belief, were those who should acknowledge that Jesus was the son of God, in the way that it has been explained to you. Not that Jesus, or Jesus Christ, was God. Only those spirits who acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God, and have received the New Birth, and know anything about the Celestial Kingdom of Christ, or of the Gift of the Divine Love of the Father, and The Way to obtain it, as taught by Jesus, should be acknowledged. All other spirits, who have not this Knowledge, and consequently would not acknowledge Jesus as the son of God, who should hear his teachings, are not to be trusted, as being True Followers of Jesus.
This is nothing mysterious, or contrary to the Laws governing the conduct, or beliefs, of humans. If a spirit or human either, knows nothing about a certain subject, they certainly cannot teach others its qualities or merits. Hence, I was applying an ordinary Law of Nature, to the way, in which spirits should be tried. For I must tell you now, and it is a Truth, was a Truth at the time I wrote my gospel and epistles, just as it is a Truth now, and always will remain a Truth, that every spirit who acknowledges that Jesus is the son of God is a Redeemed Spirit, and has received a portion of the Divine Love, and is progressing in the Kingdom, which Jesus is now forming. When I gave those instructions to my children, as I called them, I intended that their communications should be only with those spirits, or humans, who had received this New Birth.
I know that all the spirits, who have received this Divine Love, in sufficient abundance, are good spirits. Free from sin and error, and the power, or inclination, to influence mortals not to sin, or to do anything, which is contrary to the Will of the Father. While all the other spirits may, or may not, exercise upon mortals the influence of evil.
Hence, try the spirits! If they do not acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God, let them alone! Do not receive their communications, or teachings, because they are not believers in Christ and the New Birth.
Among my children, or believers, in the Christian religion, were many persons who had the power, or gift, of communicating with the spirits of the departed, and did so communicate. Such communications were made known to the rest of the congregation, and believed by them. Hence, my injunction against communion with those spirits who were not believers in Christ.
You must not think that this is the only age in which spirits communicate with mortals. I must tell you that in my time, it was much more common than now. In our congregations when worshipping, and when in our other gatherings, and often in private, we had these communications.
This was an important part of the services of our meetings. One that kept us in constant Harmony with the soul power of those who lived in the spirit form, and from whom we received powers of healing, and of doing good in many other ways.
In those days, healing the sick, and doing kindred things, were a very important part of our work as Christians. We believed what Jesus had told us on Earth. We increased our Faith, and performed many works, which the people who did not believe as we did, thought were miracles. To us the healing of the sick, and the doing of these other things, were just as natural as eating and sleeping. I tell you that our Faith then was a certainty. We possessed the Substance that Paul speaks of. We expected to do the things, just as we expected to breathe, and be able to do material good to our brothers.
After a few centuries, when humans came into the church, for other purposes, than to receive the New Birth and do the Will of the Father, Faith, such as I speak of, died. The power to do these things was taken away from humans. The church became a congregation of humans having the mere lip worship. All through the centuries, from then until now, this power has not been with humans, except that here and there, some True Believer, with a Faith such as we had, has appeared and done wonderful things.
So I say, let not what the Bible may say about Jesus being God, and having those other qualities, with reference to the Salvation of humans, disturb you in your beliefs in what the Master may write you.
I will not write more tonight, but will say goodnight.
Your brother in Christ, John.
September 13th, 1915
I am here, Lot.
Lot, of old. I merely want to say that I am with you, trying to help you in your progress in Spiritual Things. I am not so very far away that I cannot come to you when I desire and give you my help.
Well, I will not write more tonight, but will say goodnight.
Your brother in Christ, Lot.
September 13th, 1915
I am here, John Bunyan.
I am the writer of the Pilgrims Progress. I want to tell you that I am an inhabitant of the Celestial Spheres and a follower of Jesus. I am now a Christian who Knows that many of the things that I wrote in my book, as allegory, are Truths.
Of course, my belief in Jesus as God, and as having made a vicarious atonement, is all wrong. Now I Know that there is only One God, the Father, and that every other living being, either in the Earth Plane, or in the Spirit World, is His Child, son or daughter, of the Father.
Jesus is the brightest spirit in all God's Universe. Possesses more of the Divine Love than the other spirits. Consequently, is nearer the Father, with whom he has his Spiritual Communions.
My belief in God, and in His Love and Mercy, is stronger than when on Earth. I want every human to believe and understand that the Great Thing to be acquired is the Divine Love of the Father and His Grace.
I am so very happy, that I cannot tell you of its extent. When I think of the troubles and sufferings that I endured when on Earth, it makes me believe that I acquired the Wonderful Love at a very small cost.
I will not write more tonight, but will come again soon and write you more at large.
I am in the Second Celestial Sphere, where your folks are. I mean those who write to you. I want to tell you also that you are a very highly favored human to have been selected to do this work. I know the fact that Jesus is with you so very often, and that his great Love and power will be with you. You will feel their wonderful influences.
So remember that I want to write again.
Your brother in Christ, John Bunyan.
September 13th, 1915
I am here, Helen.
Well sweetheart, you are very sleepy and must go to bed. I must tell you how I enjoyed the conversation, which you and Dr. Stone had tonight in the park. The Spiritual Influence around you was great, and working to do you both good.
Mary was there. She was enjoying the conversation as much as I, and was trying to make the Doctor feel her presence, as I was you. What a wonderful thing this Divine Love of the Father is, and how glad I am that you have it to the extent that you have.
Yes, Samuel was there. So were your band, and some of the apostles, all enjoying the ideas which you both expressed. We could see the workings of your brain, and souls. We tried to impress you with the Truth, and make you realize fully the many sayings of the Bible, as well as what has been written to you by us, dealing with the subjects that you were discussing.
So how happy you ought to be to know that you have with you so often so many of the Higher Spirits of "Light and Truth".
I will not write longer tonight.
So with all my Love, I am, your own True Loving Helen.
September 14th, 1915
I am here, James G. Blaine.
I am here to tell you that you are a wonderful medium, and that you will do a great deal of good before you die.
Well, I have been with you at times of your writings, and have seen what messages you received, and what effect the communications have had on the spirits, as well as on yourself and friends.
I am in the Fourth Sphere. I am happy in a way, but I need more happiness and more Light. I will try to get these things.
I am engaged in intellectual pursuits that are congenial to me. I also take great interest in the affairs of your country. I try to influence its rulers to do the right thing at the right time.
I have met many spirits since I came over, and have made acquaintances with them. They are all very wonderful spirits, in their understanding of the Laws of Nature, and kindred subjects. I learn a great deal from them.
I merely wanted to introduce myself to you, and let you know that I am alive.
Well, I believe more in the intellect than in religious matters. I do not seek the other spirits that you mention. I have no special interest in them.
I will not write more tonight.
James G. Blaine.
September 16th, 1915
I am here, Shem.
I am the father of one of the tribes of Israel. I come to tell you that I am now a Christian and a follower of Jesus, the Saviour of humans.
You may think it strange that I should write to you, but I am interested in the work, which the Master is doing for humankind, and which you are to do in taking his messages and transmitting them to humanity.
I was a Jew of the earlier dispensation. I lived before the destruction of Jerusalem, and even before the great dispersion and captivity of my people. I died when the race was very young, and when it had not formed its concrete ideas of God, that afterwards became such a power in the economy of its government.
I am now an inhabitant of the Celestial Heavens. I am working with the other Celestial Spirits to carry forward the Great Plans of God, and of His Son, for the Salvation of Humankind.
I know what the New Birth means, and how necessary it is for humans to become partakers of the Divine Love and Divinity of the Father. So you must see, that only after that Great Gift was Re-Bestowed on humans, were any of us who lived at a time long anterior to the birth of Jesus, able to partake of those Divine Qualities, which gave us Immortality.
I will now stop and say goodnight, Shem.
September 16th, 1915
I am the spirit of one who when on Earth was called Caesar.
Well, there was only one real Caesar; all others by that name were merely imitations. I was Julius Caesar,was the Emperor of Rome, the conqueror of the Gauls, and of the Egyptians.
I am now in a condition of darkness, also suffering, from my deeds on Earth, which were very wicked and numerous.
I am not an emperor now. I am a spirit who is in the condition of one who has no one to do him reverence. Not the meanest of my former slaves deign to bow the knee, or salute me, as their superior. And why! Because in the Spirit World, a human is as their Soul Development makes them. Mine, has been very much retarded by my want of belief and Faith, as I now see.
I merely want to tell you this that you may know, that no position on Earth can determine the position of the person when they comes into the Spirit World. I mean that the position of the human on Earth does not in the slightest degree, influence the position of this same human in the Spirit World. Many of my slaves are higher in their development and in their Spirituality than I am. Well, that may be, but I am in the condition that I say I am. I do not know of any such spirit and doubt if there be any.
I see some bright spirits, and have asked for Prof. Salyards, and find him to be a most beautiful and bright spirit. I am inclined to listen to what he may say. He says that he was well acquainted with my history on Earth, as he had read many books dealing with my Life and exploits. He is glad to meet me and show me The Way to a higher and happier condition of existence. I rather like him. I believe that I will go with him and listen to him. Well, I will try.
So I will say goodnight, and good luck. I am your friend now, since you have shown such interest in me. Julius Caesar.
September 16th, 1915
I am here, Helen.
Well, I came to tell you that you must not write more tonight, as you are not in a very good condition. You may not think so, but it is a fact. It is best for you to stop.
It was Caesar, as I am told. He is not a very bright spirit, but maybe your old Professor may help him.
Well, they are not quite ready yet to resume their writing, as it seems there are some of these ancients who want to write, and have some object in writing to you, which conflicts with the plan that these messages of the Master intends to be established and worked out. I must stop now, and will say good night.
Your own True and Loving Helen.
September 17th, 1915
I am here, St. Andrew.
I came to tell you that where Divine Love is, there can be no sin, or unhappiness, and fear is not.
We, who live in the Celestial Spheres, know this to be a fact. With all the force and authority that Knowledge gives, we declare this Truth unto you tonight: the Love that casteth out all fear is the Divine Love of the Father. When a spirit obtains that, there exists no such thing as fear, and nothing that could create, or permit, fear to exist.
God wants the souls of humans in Love, not in fear. The Only Way, in which such end can be accomplished is, for humans to see and know Him as a God of Love only. No human can come to the Father, except through this New Birth, and Faith in the Father's Love.
The performance of duty, good works and mere faith, while they will all help human, in the development of their moral character and qualities, yet they will not give them an entrance into the Celestial Heavens, which are the Heavens where Jesus rules and is the Prince, unless the spirit (or human) shall obtain this Divine Love, which makes them a part of, the Father's Very Essence of Divinity.
Many spirits are happy, by reason of their having led good, moral lives on Earth, and because of a High (soul) development of their Natural Love, and realize that God is their Father, who watches over them, and gives them many blessings. This happiness is not that, which comes with the possession of the Divine Love. Besides, the place of habitation of these spirits is limited, and does not permit these spirits to have free access to all the Spheres, where God's Goodness and Care are manifested.
The spirits, who have obtained this Divine Love, have no limitation to the Spheres in which they may progress. Are not restricted in their places of habitation, or in the Spheres in which they may live. Besides, the Presence and Glory of the Father are so much Greater in these Celestial Spheres, than in those where the mere Natural Love obtains.
I must not write more tonight, for you are commencing to tire.
So with all my Love, I will say, your brother in Christ St. Andrew.
September 17, 1915
I am here, St. Luke.
I came tonight to tell you of some things, which are in the Bible, and which are not True, as they were never written by me, or by any one at my dictation. I never said that Jesus came to Earth as the only begotten of the Father, in the sense that he was born differently from other mortals, for he was not. I mean that his father and mother were Joseph and Mary. He was their natural son, and that they never supposed that he was begotten in any different way from what the other children were begotten.
Of course, he became more Truly the Son of God than did any other mortal who was ever born. That was because he became filled with the Divine Love of the Father, to a greater extent than any other human being. He became so close to the Father that in his Soul Development he was able to commune with the Father, in such a way, as to realize exactly what the Father said to him. His Divine Love (which he received from the Father) made him One with the Father, as he said. Now, he is closer to the Father than he ever was on Earth. His Love is very much greater than when on Earth, and greater than any other spirit. As a consequence, he knows more about the Father's Attributes, and about His Will and Plans for Humans Redemption than does any other spirit. When he comes to you, and tells you that you must receive his messages to be transmitted to humankind, he imposes upon you a mission, which is greater than he ever imposed on any other human, not even excepting the apostles.
He now knows more of the Truths of His Father than he did when on Earth. He realizes that the Truths, which are so necessary to human's salvation and their future happiness, have never been revealed to mortals in their fullest extent. When he was on Earth, he declared many Important Truths, which have not been preserved. Hence, he is anxious that these Truths, and others, shall be given to humankind.
Many things, which humans who are professed Christians believe, are not Truths, and stand in the way of their progress in Spiritual Things, and in the Soul's Development. I would like to tell you of more of these things, which men should not believe, but I have not the time tonight, as others want to write.
This you must know, and forever proclaim, that God is Love! That they who want to get Immortality, must believe in the New Birth, and seek to obtain it. Without this, no spirit can enter the Celestial Spheres and partake of the Divine Nature of the Father. There are many other Truths that must be learned and believed in, but none are so important as those which I have just written. I am writing this not as a matter of mere belief, but as a matter of Knowledge. There can be no doubt arise in my mind as to the Reality of these things. None must arise in yours.
I will come again, when you are in a better condition to take a long message, and write you.
With all my Love, I am, your brother in Christ, St. Luke.
September 19th, 1915
I am here, Jesus.
I heard the discussion between you and the other man about my blood saving from sin. I felt that you were not benefitted by what was said, because his Faith is based on ignorance of the True Plan of Salvation, and my Mission on Earth. He is so firmly fixed in his belief that no argument that you might make would convince him that anything but my death and atonement could save from sin. So I do not think it would do any good to attempt to argue with any of these people in reference to the matter of my blood as the means of salvation.
They have received the Divine Love, to a considerable degree. The Holy Spirit is with them in their worship and is in their hearts, but it does not come to them by reason of their belief in my atonement, but because they pray to the Father for its coming and making them a new being, so far as their Soul Development is concerned. They do not know that only the flowing of this Divine Love into their hearts, in answer to prayer, is what gives them this New Birth.
They think that my blood has something, or rather that it is the great and only cause of this New Birth. They will continue to think so. I would not let this matter deter you from attending their meetings, because, as I have said, the Holy Spirit is present with them. Of course, they will learn differently when they come to the Spirit World and see that I am not God.
Yes, I know that is what all the orthodox believe, but that does not make it a fact, for no devil ever comes and teaches the things that I have written you.
I will not write more now. So with the assurance that I am with you very often, and that I will guide you in the Ways of Truth, I will stop.
Your brother and friend, Jesus.
September 19th, 1915
I am here, Helen.
I went to church with you this morning. I saw that you were sleepy, and I can't blame you, for the sermon was not very interesting. Of course, he preached some Truths when he spoke of trusting God to sustain you in your attempts to do his will and uphold the right. The three Hebrew children who passed through the fiery furnace merely illustrated the Care, which God has over His Children. It is just as True today as it was in any past age.
Your own True and Loving Helen.
September 20th, 1915
I am here, John the Baptist.
So you are in condition to believe what we write to you, and to rely upon our statements as coming from the Fountainhead of Truth (God). I am so glad that this is so. I want to see you filled with the Divine Love, and with all the power, which the Divine Love of the Father filling your heart will bring to you.
Do not let any doubt arise in your soul as to what you have been selected to do. I tell you that there is no doubt among us who have heard the Master say that he has selected you to do this work.
I will not write more. I will pray for you and believe that you will receive all the promises that have been made to you in these writings.
Goodnight, your brother in Christ, John the Baptist.
September 20th, 1915
I am here, Saint Mark.
Let your Faith increase. Your belief in the fact that we write to you grow, until no doubt will possibly enter into your mind as to who the writers are.
I am here merely to say these few lines and encourage you to put forth every effort to get in condition to receive the messages, which shall be written to you.
Not much longer will your worries stay with you. You will soon be in condition to start to do those things, which your father spoke of, so that you will be relieved of your worries.
I will not write more, but will say goodnight.
Your brother in Christ, Saint Mark.
September 20th, 1915
I am here, Saint Stephen.
I merely want to say that I am here to try to help you in getting in condition to do the work of the Master.
Have Faith. You will find that all your desires will be realized and you will soon be able to receive these messages without any difficulty.
I am with you, very much trying to impress you with the necessity of this Faith, and for a belief in what the Master writes to you.
So believe and hope for the consummation of these things.
I will not write more, so goodnight.
Your brother in Christ, Saint Stephen.
September 20th, 1915
I am here, John.
I will not write long, merely wish to say that you must continue to have Faith, and pray.
Soon you will be able to do as the Master has said. You will succeed in getting in the condition to do his work as he desires.
I come to you so often because I am so much interested in your work and in helping forward the Great Efforts that will be made by the Christian Spiritualist to give to humankind the Truths of the Father.
So believe in what we say. You will find that what we promise you will be realized by you, and that you will become free from your worries and very happy in your old age.
I will not write more, but will say goodnight.
Your brother in Christ, John.
September 20th, 1915
I am here, Josephus.
I merely want to say that since I wrote you last, I have made inquiries as to who it was that taught that my book was interpolated in the paragraph where it speaks of Jesus.
These persons, are they who do not believe in Jesus as an historical person, and try to procure evidence to show that he was not. I tell you that he was, and that he actually lived in Palestine at the time I wrote about him. I do not think it best for me to write a long letter tonight but will come again sometime.
Your brother in Christ, Josephus.
September 20th, 1915
I am here, William A. Meloy.
You may be surprised in what I say, but I have learned much since I have been in Spirit Life. I am in the Fifth Sphere.
Yes, I have seen him, but he has not progressed very much. He is in the Fourth Sphere, where he is studying the Laws of the Spirit World.
Yes, I have seen him and talked to him. He is progressing very rapidly. He tells me that you were the cause of his receiving the Light, and that you are a wonderful medium, and are engaged in taking the messages of Jesus. I was surprised when I heard it, and investigated myself, and found it to be so. I have seen the Master writing to you. I also heard many things that he said. Well, you certainly are favored, and will find that the frequent interviews with the Master will do you much good.
I sometimes see him, and talk to him. I want to say that he is wonderful beyond all conception either of spirit or mortal.
I am glad that I could write tonight. I hope that I may find the opportunity to write again.
I am engaged in studying the Laws that pertain more to the soul, than to what is called Nature. I also try to help the spirits who are in darkness and suffering, and sometimes try to help mortals.
Well, I must confess that my belief in the trinity was all wrong. I know now that there is only One God, and that the Father, and that Jesus is a spirit, like the others of us, only more refined and filled with the Father's Divine Love. More than any spirit in our Heavens.
Sometime I will come and give you my opinion more fully and in detail if agreeable. Well, I must stop now.
Your friend, and one time brother in the practice of the law,
William A. Meloy.
September 20th, 1915
I am here, Helen.
Well sweetheart, you have written enough for tonight and must stop.
I want to tell you that the spirits who professed to write actually did so. Mr. Meloy was very much pleased that he could write to you, and was a very bright spirit, and seemed to be very much interested in the phenomenon of your being able to take his messages. I know that he was anxious to write, because when he came, he told me that he was an old acquaintance of yours and a brother lawyer, and asked that we permit him to write, which we did.
Well, he is a quite comely spirit; he is of the ordinary size and seems to be one who has his full development, in so far as the spirit body is concerned.
I must not write more.
Well, they are anxious to write, but somehow when these Higher Spirits come, they stand back and let the former write.
But they will now, anxious to write again. You will enjoy their writings, I know. Yes, I know, but they wish to impress on you certain important Truths, and hence in a little different form, they proclaim the same Truths. They will soon change, and when writing, go more in detail as to the things that they desire to tell you about.
You will be surprised to see how Loving and patient he is with you, and never a look that indicates that he is tired of being with you, or of writing to you. I know that he Loves you very dearly, and wants to be with you.
So you must not think that because he is with you so often, that he is not the Real Jesus. I tell you, that any time you receive a message signed by his name, he always writes it.
So goodnight, your own True and Loving Helen.
September 21st, 1916
I am here, Lazarus.
I merely want to say that I am the real Lazarus of the Bible story, and that I am an inhabitant of the Father's Celestial Kingdom, and in the Truth that exists in that Kingdom, and in its inhabitants.
I declare to you, that the spirits, who have written you the Truths of Celestial and Spiritual Things, are actually those whom they represent themselves to be. Jesus especially, is with you very often, and communicates to you Truths from His great storehouse of Knowledge of the Truth.
He is so much interested in the work to be done, and the Revelations to be made, that he is with you very often for the purpose; of not only revealing these Truths, but of preparing you to receive them. He is enveloping you in his Love, and giving to you a development of your soul faculties that will make you qualified to receive these High Truths, as no other mortal has ever been qualified. He knows that you are his best qualified instrument now on Earth to do his work and the work of the Father.
From what I say, you must not suppose that you are the best, or the human having the greatest amount of the Divine Love in the soul. For that is not True. Nor are you chosen because of any merits of your own, or superior mental endowments, but you have those conditions of attunement with him, that enables him, and the other spirits, to use you in performing this work.
I am not of such exalted position, or Soul Development, as are many of the spirits who write you, yet I know the plans of the Master. What I say to you is True.
I was a Jew, and an orthodox one, until the Master came to me and developed my soul so that I could understand his teachings, and become susceptible to the inflowing of the Divine Love.
I will not write more now, but in closing, repeat that you must believe what I have said, and try to do the Will of the Father, and the work that you have been selected to do.
Well, both Mary and Martha are in the Celestial Heavens. You would naturally suppose that Mary has made the greater progress in her soul development, but that is not True, as they both live in the same Sphere, and have similar development.
As you know they have been in the Spirit World for a very long time, and whatever spiritual superiority Mary may have appeared to have over Martha does not exist. They both have this Divine Love to a degree that has caused all sin and thoughts for the material to have become eradicated long years ago.
Your brother in Christ, Lazarus.
September 23rd, 1915
I am here, Robert G. Ingersoll.
I come to you again because I desire to thank you, and tell you of the great good you have done me in introducing me to the beautiful spirits who form your band. Of course, I knew Riddle. I must confess that he was so beautiful and bright that I hardly knew him. Also, I wondered at his appearance, because it was very different from mine, and that of a number of other spirits who are here with me and who are friends of mine.
As I said before, Riddle was on Earth, a man who thought somewhat as I did. I had never heard of his becoming a convert to Christianity. Consequently, when I met him here, I was impressed at his appearance, for it was the same as the appearance of a great number of spirits whom I have met here and who claim to be Christians. When Riddle told me the cause of his appearance, I was more surprised than before, because I did not think that he would let himself become convinced that there was any Truth in the Christian doctrines. Once I have talked with him, I find that his belief is not in the Christian doctrines as taught by the churches on Earth, but rather in the teachings of Jesus, which Riddle has learned since he became a spirit.
I also talked to your grandmother. What a beautiful, wise and powerful spirit she is. She explained to me the meaning of the New Birth, as taught by Jesus, and as believed in by all his followers. I must confess that it appears to be very reasonable and simple of understanding.
I have thought a great deal about this matter. I am commencing to think that there is some Reality in this question of the New Birth, and that it has a substance, as well as a theory, for its existence. Your grandmother told me many wonderful Truths about Spirit Life, especially the Life in the Higher Spheres. I am inclined to believe what she said, because they are all so in Harmony with reason and common sense. She is so very lovely that I cannot but believe that her appearance is due to the possession of this Divine Love of which she tells me. I am now trying to follow her advice and seek to obtain it. I do, what I did not do on Earth, and that is pray to God, in the hope that He will answer my prayers. This will appear most surprising to many who read my books and believe in them, for I always in a manner ridiculed the idea of prayer.
So it is now, that I am earnestly praying for Light, and for an inflowing of this Divine Love into my soul. I am just as open-minded now, as I was when on Earth. If the Truth of a thing can be shown me, I am ready at all times to investigate and learn whether it is True, or not.
As regards the Truth of the Divine Love, I have so many evidences as to its existence, and the wonderful work that it does, that I feel that it is due to myself to learn what this Divine Love is, and, if possible, obtain it for myself.
All the spirits of your band claim to have obtained this New Birth, and to be possessed of this Divine Love of God. Their appearances certainly indicate that they are possessed of something, which beautifies and makes them lovely, over and above what the spirits who do not believe in Christianity possess.
I will write you again when I learn the result of my prayers and what effect this Divine Love, should I get it, has on me.
If what they tell me is True, and proves so in my case, I will proclaim the same from every housetop in no uncertain words. I may ask you to receive my expressions of belief and joy that I have found such a Truth.
I will not write more tonight, as you have written a great deal already.
I have seen Jesus. I have never talked with him. He seems to be a very close friend to you, for I see him with you a great deal, and writing to you. I will emphatically say that I have never seen any spirit in all this World, compare with Jesus in beauty and grandeur, power, Love and humility. I will soon have an interview with him and ask him to tell me the Truths of the Plan of Human's Salvation.
So I will say goodnight. Your friend, Robert G. Ingersoll.
September 23rd 1915
I am here, Helen.
Yes, that was Ingersoll. He wrote you just as you received the message. He is studying, and praying, as he said. Very soon, I believe, he will find The Way, the Truth, and the Light.
I must stop now.
Your own True and Loving Helen.
September 24th, 1915
I am here, John the Baptist.
I desire to write to you tonight about a certain Truth, which you must know, in order to be able to teach others the importance of studying the Plan of God for the Salvation of Human. I mean, that in order for humans to be saved from their sins, they must believe in The Way that the Master shall teach you in his messages. I do not intend to dwell at large upon the New Birth, for that has already been told you of a number of times. I want now to deal with the Truth that this is the One Thing that Perfects Humankind, and spirits as well, and enables them to obtain the soul qualities, which are absolutely necessary before a human can become At-One with the Father.
The other things, which the churches teach as necessary sacraments, such as baptism, the laying on of hands, the Lord's Supper, or communion, are things which are not necessary. They were never intended as being anything more than merely symbolical. Even as symbols, the last-mentioned does no good, but rather, harm, for besides being used to remind the followers of Jesus of his communion with them before his sacrifice, they look upon it as something, which saves a soul from sin and fits it for Heaven.
I want you to understand that, all these things, are not important to a soul's becoming At-One with God. That mortals must learn the Truth of what I say.
Many preachers, as well as laymen, believe that only the blood of Jesus can save from sin, and that his death was necessary for human's salvation. I want to tell you, that if he had died a natural death beloved by all who knew him, and honored by the whole Jewish nation, his blood would have been just as efficacious, and his death just as important, as they were because he was killed as a result of hatred and envy on the part of the Jewish authorities. In neither case, would the blood, or the death, in one particular have anything to do with the salvation of humans.
His Living, teaching, and the making known to human, the Great Gift of the Father, and The Way to find the Gift and possess it, were the things that brought to human, salvation. Jesus lived, taught and Loved us. He did not die, suffer and make atonement for us.
The Living Christ is of more importance to our happiness and salvation, than the dead Jesus. So Jesus himself teaches. He is not pleased with those who teach the dying Jesus instead of the Living Christ.
I, John, was, not only a precursor of the Master, but a follower also. It was not his blood, or death, that saved me, but his Living and teaching me The Way to obtain the Divine Love of the Father.
I am much interested in the salvation of all humans. I want to do everything in my power to help humans to learn The Way to Truth, Light, and Divine Love. I am trying, as well as are many others of our band, who are with you now, in carrying forward this work of showing humans the Truths which will lead them to the Father's Divine Love.
I have only to say further, that you must pray more to the Father, and keep up your courage and belief in the Master. All these things will be properly worked out to a final and happy conclusion.
I will not write more tonight. So with my love and blessings, I will say goodnight.
Your brother in Christ, John the Baptist.
September 24th, 1915
I am here, your old law partner. (A. G. Riddle)
It has been a long time since I wrote you. I have missed the opportunity very much. I know that you expressed the desire to hear from me, but there were so many other spirits, who wanted to write, that I thought it best to abstain for a while and let them write. Soon I will come and write you a long letter, and tell you of my progress and of some Spiritual Truths which I have learned. Well, I will tell you of them also.
What a wonderful thing was Ingersoll's conversion! I must tell you that it was genuine, for now he is one of the most earnest workers we have. He does not belong to our band, but is working with us. He does not seem to be able to leave your grandmother whenever she is with us. He says she is the most beautiful spirit and orator he has ever heard. Of course he expects Jesus, but his attraction to her is wonderful and beyond our comprehension. He will tell you himself, sometime, of how much he thinks of her.
Poor Perry is still in darkness. It is a hard matter to convince him of the Truths of Salvation, but we are all trying to help him.
No but they are much improved in their condition and have considerable of the Divine Love of the Father. I think that very soon they will be in the Third Sphere.
I see that you are tired, so I will not write more.
Your old partner, A. G. Riddle.
September 24th, 1915
I am here, Sebastobel.
I am a spirit who has never written before. I desire to say a few things, which I consider of importance to mortals, as well as to spirits. I live in the highest sphere where intellect rules supreme, and where spirits are happy in the knowledge that their spirit existence is free from all the cares and limitations, which a Life in the body imposes.
I am a student of the Laws, governing the relationship of the various planets to one another, to the Earth, and of the influences, which the sun, moon and stars exert upon mortals of the Earth. I am an ancient spirit, and have been in Spirit Life many thousands of years. Long before the great flood, which submerged a great continent, which humans know as Atlantis.
When that continent existed, and was peopled by living, active, intelligent beings, I had been a spirit many years. I was in communication with the prophets, as they were called, rather seers, of that happy land. The development of these people far surpassed that of the present inhabitants of Earth, in not only the purely intellectual qualities in the abstract, but also in their knowledge of what you call the arts and sciences. Then, the inhabitants of that fair land, not only did not have the necessity for using horses, automobiles, steam cars, boats, or airships, for moving from place to place and traveling. They knew of the existence of, and the way, to utilize certain Forces of Nature, which enabled each individual, or group of individuals, to transport themselves from place to place by mere operation of their will power using these forces. These forces still exist in Nature, and are just as ready to be utilized now, as they were at the time these people of whom I speak brought them under their control.
Someday, it will be given to human, to understand and control these great forces, and utilize them to their fullest extent. Just when this time will be, I do not know. Considering the rapid strides that mortals have made in discovering and utilizing some of the heretofore hidden forces in nature during the last half century, I do not think it will be long before these great forces will be discovered, or rather revealed, to human. It will not be so revealed, until the higher powers consider the time ripe for human to have the knowledge of these forces revealed to them, and to control them. I know what these forces are. I am not permitted to make them known to you, or anyone else, at this time. I should otherwise gladly do so.
Well, while they had this great knowledge and power of transporting themselves, and could have done so had they been given time, the submerging of the continent was so sudden, that no human knew the moment when the catastrophe took place. It was in the twinkling of an eye, as it were. Humans were drowned, before they had time to think, or attempt to save themselves.
No, it was not like the Bible description of the flood, which never occurred. That was merely allegory, and existed in other books, in a little different form, long before the Bible was written.
These Atlantians are now inhabitants of the Spirit World, living in different Spheres, and more or less developed in their intellects.
Well, I merely want to say further that I am somewhat surprised that you can receive my thoughts, in the way of written communication. I never before, in all my spirit experience, have written my thoughts this way. It is a wonderful gift! One, which I consider superior to any other method that I know of for communing with mortals. You may ask me any question. I will answer it if I can.
Yes, I see other spirits here, some dark and ugly, and some bright and beautiful. I have spoken to one who says she is your wife. She is a most beautiful and bright spirit, the brightest that I have come in contact with.
Well, I must confess that I have never seen in my Sphere, any spirit so beautiful, bright, pure looking, or lovely as she. I wonder why it is. I am at a loss to know. I would like to know, I assure you.
No, my intellect does not tell me. I see that there is here presented a phenomenon, which is worthy of all investigation and study.
Well, she has told me. I am astonished at her explanation. I never before knew, or heard, of the existence of such a thing as this New Birth, or Divine Love. Even now, I cannot comprehend what she means. I see a result, or effect, for which I can find no cause. It seems reasonable that I should accept the cause, which she gives me. I am astonished, as I thought that there is nothing in all the Spirit World equal to the mind, and nothing, which brings such happiness. She tells me of a Happiness, of which I had no conception. Well, as you say, I see an effect, and there must be a cause. As I am an investigator of the Truth, I feel it my duty to search for that cause. I will.
She has invited me to go with her and meet her band, and one who, she tells me, is the most magnificent and beautiful in all the Spirit Universe. I will go with her and investigate this matter. I will come to you again.
So I will say goodnight.
My name, when on Earth, was Sebastobel. I lived in the Upper Nile, when the human race was very early developed into thinking beings.
September 25th, 1915
I am here, St. John.
I come tonight to write a short time about the Truths of the Celestial Spheres, in which I live, and enjoy the Happiness, which my Father gives me.
As you may know these Celestial Spheres are above the Spiritual Spheres, and are inhabited only by spirits who have received the New Birth, and who believe in the Truths, as taught by Jesus. No other spirits are permitted to enter these Celestial Spheres. No other spirits could possibly find any happiness in them, for in them, Divine Love is so developed in the souls of the spirits who live there, that any spirit not having that Divine Love would find that they are in an atmosphere that is entirely foreign to their qualifications. They would be most unhappy. As I say, no spirit who has not that Divine Love, which we tell you about, can possibly enter into these Celestial Spheres. The walls of demarcation are just as solid and forbidding as are walls of demarcation in your prisons on Earth from the outside world.
I live in a city that is most wonderful in its beauty and magnificence, and is filled with structures that surpass anything that you possibly conceive of. This city is inhabited by spirits who have a wonderful Soul Development, and are capable of understanding the Deep Truths of God, which are not given to mortals, or spirits in the Spiritual Spheres. This may seem a little strange to you, but it is True. It would be utterly impossible for the spirits of these lower spheres, or for mortals, to understand these Higher Truths. They cannot be comprehended with what you call the intellectual faculties, or the mind. Can be only understood by the soul's perceptions, developed to such a degree (by the Divine Love), that nothing that partakes of the purely material can have an abiding place in that soul.
The mind must stop in its progress at the Sixth Sphere. After that only the soul can progress. This does not mean that the spirit who makes such progress in the Celestial Heavens does not increase in Knowledge and understanding, for they do. To a greater extent than it could be possible for the mere mind to progress. This progress, of a spirit in knowledge and understanding, is a progress of the soul perceptions, of which I speak. The faculties of the soul are as far superior to, and above, the faculties of what you call the mind, as are the Heavens above the Earth.
So you see the soul does not merely embrace the affections and Love of a spirit, but also qualities, which enable it to understand and develop the qualities of Knowledge at a place where the progress of the mind ceases. It is hard to explain this to you, or for you to comprehend its meaning. This you will understand, that as the soul progresses in its development of its perceptions, knowledge and understanding of all things pertaining to the Celestial World increases. When you properly consider this, you will find that it is a wonderful provision of the Father' Love and Grace.
What an important thing, to both mortal and spirit, is the soul. It can be starved on Earth, and in the Spirit World. On the other hand, it can be developed on Earth, as well as in the Spirit World. If mortals would only understand, that as regards Eternity, the soul is the Great Thing, which they possess. Should be given more care and development than any, and all, other parts of human's being.
I may come again soon, and go fuller into a statement concerning the soul, and its functions and importance. Tonight, I will not write more.
With my Love and blessings, I am, your brother in Christ, John.
September 25th, 1915
I am a spirit who has never written you before, and would not know, except that I have the opportunity to tell you of some things that you may not know. I am a spirit who lived as a human when the Earth was young. Humans had not become so filled with sin and error, and all those evil things, which cause so much unhappiness on Earth.
In my time, humans had not the ambition and greed for accumulating worldly possessions that they have now. Consequently worth, individual interior worth, determined a human's standing in our community, and his real character before us.
I do not want to write much at this my first coming, as I desire to come again and write. I am not able to tell you how many thousand of years ago I lived, but it was before the time of the Bible description of Creation.
I now live in the Celestial Spheres, for I am a Christian, a follower of Jesus.
I was an Indian, and lived in the Himalaya mountain country, far removed from where your large cities now are. We were pastoral people and hunters.
We were followers of our own doctrines, which were not those of any sect or people that you know of. My race is not now in existence, and the teachings of our seers, have never been preserved.
My name was Inaladocie.
I was a ruler of my people when I lived on Earth. We believed in One God only, and in doing justice to our fellow human. We did not believe in any possible blood atonement, or in any messiah to come who would save us by his death and sufferings.
We had our creeds, and elaborate ceremonies, even sacrifices. These were not exercised to avert the wrath of any angry God, but rather to preserve us from the evil influences and harm of a devil. We Loved God, but feared the devil. Now, I know how the Plan of Salvation teaches no such doctrine of sacrifice and vicarious atonement.
I must stop now, so goodnight, Inaladocie.
September 25th, 1915
Let me tell you a few things concerning the Spirit World. That is, the World that is below the Celestial Heavens, of which John wrote.
In the several Spheres, which are Seven in numbers, are many Planes, inhabited by spirits of many nations and races of humankind. These various races have to a certain extent, the customs and beliefs that they had when on Earth. The lines of demarcation are just as strictly drawn, as are those of the several nations on Earth. The result of this is that many spirits, who live in this exclusive manner, never learn anything other than what their own leaders tell them, and what their various sacred books may teach them.
The Mohammedan is a Mohammedan still. So likewise the followers of Zoroaster. Also those of Buddha, Confucius and all of the various founders of religious sects.
Sometimes these spirits, in their wanderings, will meet spirits of other races than their own and interchange thoughts. Very rarely do they discuss matters pertaining to their respective beliefs.
There are undoubtedly Truths, in the sacred writings and beliefs of all these races of spirits. To the extent that these Truths are taught, and understood, these spirits are benefitted. I am now speaking of Spiritual Truths. Because, as to the mere Truths pertaining to the Natural, or Material World, they all have the same opportunity to investigate, and understand them. There are no race, creed, or doctrinal beliefs and teachings, as to these Truths affecting the material. By this I mean, material, as it exists in both the Spiritual and Earthly Worlds.
As I say, each of these races or sects has its own ideas and doctrines of the Truth. It can progress no further than the limits of these ideas permit it to progress.
No founder of any race, or sect, has ever taught the New Birth, or the inflowing of the Divine Love, in contradistinction to that of the Natural Love. The teachings of Jesus are the only ones that reveal to human the existence of this Divine Love, and how to obtain it. So you see the importance of this Truth coming to human. I must say here, that without the possession of this Divine Love, no spirit can enter the Celestial Spheres.
The teachings of the other founders will show humans the way to a Life of happiness, and to what they may suppose continuous existence. But the teachings of Jesus are the only ones that declare, and lead humans to a realization of the True Immortality of the soul.
I have written too long already, and must stop.
Your brother in Christ, St. James.
Yes, I am that James.
No the Saint is only used as a means of identification, it has no significance in our Spirit World.
September 26th, 1915
I am here, John.
I only want to say that the Faith that the preacher spoke of tonight, as being possessed by Elijah, is the Faith that you must try to obtain. Then you will realize that you will be superior to all the worries and troubles that may come to you. This is the kind of Faith that overcomes every obstacle, and makes you a True Child of the Father. One whom He will never forsake, or let go unprovided for.
I was with you at the services. I tell you that the minister made a forcible application of the Truths taught by that instance in Elijah's Life, as related in the Old Testament.
If humans would only learn the efficacy of that kind of Faith in God, they would become so much happier, and possessed of that Great Peace, of which the Master spoke. I am telling you this, not as a speculation, or a theory, but as the result of Knowledge and actual experience. The same Faith that existed in Elijah was the same Faith that existed in the martyred disciples of Jesus, and the same Faith that you, and all other humans may now have. God never changes, although human's conceptions of Him do. Yet no matter what these conceptions may be, the same God Rules (in Love) and Lives. As the preacher said, is present with you. Faith in Him is always accompanied by a power that never fails in working out His Truths.
I, John, tell you this, because I want you to obtain that Faith, as you will need it in the Great Work, which you have before you, and which can only be done by one whose soul is developed by such Faith.
I was present tonight at church, because I had been with you a large portion of the day, trying to influence and encourage you with my Love and influence.
Very soon, you will again commence to receive the Messages of the Master, and continue to do so until they are completed, and what Messages of Truth they will be. As the minister said tonight, there will be troublers, but their mission will be similar to that of Elijah, that is, will show to mortals the True God, and that Genuine Faith and steadfastness of purpose will bring to humankind the Salvation of the Lord. I will not write more tonight, but will say before I stop, try to get this Faith. You may get it even as Elijah had it, by earnest persistent prayer, accompanied by belief. The Lord gives Faith to they who seek for it, in earnestness and longing desire.
I will say further, that you are progressing very much in your Soul Development. If you will only trust in the Master's promises, very soon the worries that you have will pass away. You will be free to do the work without being distracted by anything that militates against the exercise of the soul perceptions, which are so necessary in your work.
So my dear brother, I will say goodnight and God Bless you.
Your brother in Christ, John.
September 26th, 1915
I am here, Jesus.
I am glad that you are so much better tonight, and that your thoughts are turned to the Higher Things, of which I so much want to write you.
John has told you Truly, of the Faith which you must seek to obtain, and which you may obtain, if you will only pray to the Father with all earnestness and confidence. Elijah's Faith is no different, and no greater, than what you may obtain, if you will come close to the Father by prayer, as he did. The Father is as much your Father as He was his. Your mission is a greater one than was his.
I am the Jesus, who is the True Son of God. I am closer to Him than is any other spirit. I Know the extent of His Love and Power, to a greater degree than does any other spirit. I tell you with the authority that my Divine Love and Knowledge gives me, that you may obtain a Faith that will enable you to perform greater wonders, than did Elijah. Trust me implicitly. Your Faith will grow so strong, that your freedom from worries and cares will come to you, as the sunlight breaks from behind dark and threatening clouds and bathes the whole landscape in Light and Beauty.
You must soon now resume my message taking, and attune your soul to the influences, which I will bring to you.
Well, you will receive help, as I have promised. You must not doubt me longer. I know that you consider your unworthiness as the great stumbling block to the performance of my work. If I say that you are worthy, you have no right to say otherwise, or to feel that I am mistaken in choosing you, or that you are being deceived in this communication.
I am Jesus, the Chief of the Heavenly World, which my Father has given me. There is none to gainsay, or prevent, what I do, or determine to do. This you must believe. On that belief, guide all your acts. So forever hereafter, know that I have chosen you for my Disciple of this New Revelation.
With the acquiring of this Faith, also acquire more of the Divine Love of the Father. This is the Great Power, which will develop you into the disciple, that I intend you to be.
Pray to the Father, and trust me, for my Love for you is without limit. My care for you shall be increasing, until all shall be accomplished. I have written this emphatic, and authoritative, message to you tonight that you may know that there is no uncertainty that I, Jesus, have chosen you. You must not again doubt that your mission is, as I have told you.
With all my Love and my blessings, I am, your brother and friend, Jesus.
September 26th, 1915
I am here, Helen.
Well, sweetheart, you have had some wonderful messages tonight. All confirmatory of the fact, that the Master has chosen, and confirmed you, to do his work.
How thankful I am that this evidence has come to you. Now you cannot doubt. You will lay all your plans to carry out the desires of the Master, and to get in condition to receive his messages. Now, we must stop.
Oh, my dear Ned, to think that you are the object of the Master's choice, and his great Love.
Love me as I do you. I am your own True and Loving Helen.
September 27th, 1915
I am here, St. John, Apostle of Jesus.
I am here again so soon, because I want to help you believe in what the Master wrote you, as to your mission, and the work that he has chosen you to do.
I know it is difficult for you to believe that the communication actually came from Jesus. I must tell you that he wrote the message, and that what you received and wrote what he actually said. In doing so, he was the King, as well as the Loving Savior, who heretofore appeared to you as the Loving and Kindly Brother that he is.
You must not doubt that he wrote you just as you received it, and that he has selected you for his disciple to do this great work of receiving and transmitting to humankind the Wonderful Truths, which he shall write.
When he selected me as his disciple on Earth, I had my doubts, as you have yours. It was only after I came in close personal contact and association with him, and saw the wonderful power that he had, as well as the Great Absorbing Love, did my doubts leave me. While you cannot see him as I did, and hear his voice of Love and blessings as I did, yet you will be able to feel his Love, and realize his presence.
When he told you that you must doubt no longer, as to your being selected for this work, he was a magnificent spirit in his aspect of power and authority. We, who saw him as he told you these things, knew that he was the Jesus who led us through Galilee, and performed the Wonderful Things that he did. Also the great Jesus who gave to us the Knowledge, and The Way, to obtain the powers to heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind, and raise the apparent dead. His presence was that of a very god, for he seemed possessed of all power and authority, as well as of Love and Grace.
The spirits who were present, and who had never seen these qualities of his nature displayed before, were awestruck. Like Peter, James, and myself, on the Mount of Transfiguration, fell to their faces, because of the exceeding brightness of his countenance, and the glory of his power, which illuminated his whole being.
When he comes into the Spheres, lower than that in which he lives, as you would say, he leaves behind him this great brightness and glory. Appears only as a beautiful Loving brother spirit. Never before had those spirits, who were present when he wrote you, seen the wonderful and inspiring appearance, which he then showed.
I tell you that you are a very favored mortal. When your Faith grows, you will realize what a wonderful mission has been given you to carry out.
Now we are all more interested in you than ever. Continually, will you have around you some of the High Celestial Spirits, to aid and enlighten you in doing this great work. The greatest of all will be the Master, for he will be with you often.
Now you must strive to attain to the fullness of this Divine Love, and the Faith, which is so necessary. There is no doubt as to your getting it, if you will only pray. I must tell you here, that you have the prayers of a host of Celestial Spirits ascending continually to the Father, that this Faith may be given you, in its greatest degree. I, John, tell you this, because I Know. My Knowledge is based on fact.
So let your prayers go to the Father. Let your trust in the Master, and his promises, increase, until at last you may realize the Wonderful Blessings (of Divine Love) that may be yours.
I will not write more tonight, but will say that very soon the worries will disappear. You will be in condition to resume the writings.
With my Love and blessings, I am, your brother in Christ, John.
September 27th, 1915
I am here, your old partner.
I will write only a few lines tonight, as I am in such a condition of wonderment, over what took place when Jesus was writing to you last night, that I do not feel able to gather my thoughts for extended writing. I want to say that what happened was to me the greatest revelation, as to the character, or rather the attributes of Jesus that I have seen since I have been in the Spirit World.
When he wrote to you in his emphatic and authoritative manner, he became transformed, into such a being of Light, glory and power, that none of us could look upon his countenance. We had to fall upon our faces to hide the brightness of his presence. I tell you it was a wonderful evidence of his greatness and power. Never before had I seen him clothed in such brightness and power. He was always the most beautiful, bright and magnificent of all the spirits, but never was there displayed in him before those appearances, which made us think that he must be a very god.
I now know, as never before, that he is the True Son of God, and that he is worthy to follow and believe in. What a wonderful spirit he is. All Love, power and greatness, yet, all humility. Such a combination of attributes I had no conception could ever exist in the same spirit.
Well my boy, I cannot say much more now, except that you surprise me more and more, because of the great favor and blessings you have had conferred upon you. We are all amazed over it, but of course, happy over the fact.
You must try your best to do this work, and fulfill the mission for which you have been chosen.
What a wonderful Jesus. I cannot help thinking of him and the greatness of his being. I am so glad that I saw him as he appeared when he wrote, because now I have some conception of what the glory and grandeur of the High Celestial Heavens and their inhabitants must be.
I will not write more tonight, for I cannot think of anything just now, but of the glory of the Master.
I am your old partner, A. G. Riddle.
September 27th, 1915
I am here to tell you of my Master's glory.
Heretofore, we have written you mostly of his Love, beauty and humility, but said very little of his grandeur and the glory of his countenance, when he permitted these attributes to appear in all their fullness and splendor. This was reasonable, because until last night, we had never seen this great brightness and glory.
I am in the Celestial Spheres, but he never before displayed the wonders of his Love and powers to me, or to others in my Sphere, and neither to those in the lower Spheres. But last night, oh, the glory of it, he came to you to write, and in doing so, when he told you what your mission is, he assumed the authority and power which are his, and there came into his countenance and very being that wonderful glory and brightness, which made him a being from other spirits, apart.
I have seen the Glories of the Celestial Spheres in which I live. They are so magnificent and wonderful that I have never been able to describe them to you. They are as a mere shadow to the glory that surrounded and came from the Master when he appeared as I say. We were spellbound, as you say, and could look upon him but for a moment only. I can well imagine how his three disciples fell upon their faces at the time of the Transfiguration on the Mount.
I cannot describe to you his grandeur and brightness. Your sun would appear as a pale moonbeam in his presence. How thankful that I saw him as he is, for it shows me what must be the wonderful glory and beauty of the Sphere in which he lives, and to which I am striving to attain. Thanks be to God, the Master says I may become a dweller therein, if I will only pray, have Faith, and let the Divine Love come into my soul in sufficient abundance.
When I think of all the wonderful things that have centered around you in your communications with the Spirit World, I simply have to wonder in amazement, and think why such things should be. The only explanation that I can give, is that you are the special object of the Master's desire to have his work on Earth carried forth in the way that he has declared.
My dear son, you must not doubt again, as to what you shall do in the way of performing the work of the Master. Your call is certain. You must believe, and believing, do with all your strength and the powers that will be given you, this great task. Let me say further, you must make it a work of Love.
Pray to the Father for Faith. You will get it. Trust in the Master, and you will never be forsaken.
I cannot write more tonight, as I want to think of the wonderful scene of last night.
Your own True and Loving Grandmother. (Ann Rollins).
September 27th, 1915
I must say a word, for my heart is so filled with regret and remorse, and the recollections of my awful mistakes, while on Earth, that I must release my soul of its burdens, so far as a confession can do it.
I am Ingersoll. I am not the agnostic any longer, but the most repentant believer in all God's Spirit World. One who now knows that Jesus Christ was, and is, the Son of God, to the fullest meaning of the word.
Oh, how glad I am that I came to you when I did, and that you caused me to seek the society of your band of beautiful and bright spirits, who are filled with the Divine Love of the Father. For if, I had not been with them, I would not have witnessed the scene of last night, and today be a believer in the Jesus, who I now know is the savior of humans, by his wonderful Love and Knowledge of the Truth.
Well my dear friend, such a scene, as I witnessed last night, was never witnessed on Earth, except as I now believe, by the three disciples of the Master at the Transfiguration on the Mount. Then I doubt if the glory was as great, and the brightness of the Master so blinding and magnificent, as they were last night.
I had seen the Master a number of times. While to me, he was the most beautiful and loving of all spirits. One to whom I was drawn in great affection. Yet, I had no conception of the other qualities or attributes of his, which he displayed last night.
What must I think of you, a mere mortal, as are thousands of others on Earth, having a Soul Development to a certain degree, but not to that of any of the spirits in the Soul Spheres here, as I am informed, to be selected for the work of doing the Master's desires on Earth, and having that selection declared, or rather ratified, by an occasion that made all the spirits present tremble with awe at the glory and power, which were displayed by Jesus Christ, who I, on Earth proclaimed to be merely a good man.
I tell you that you are wonderfully favored, not only in being selected to do his work, but in having that selection anointed, as it were, by such evidence of glory and God-like power as were shown last night.
I had no conception of what the glory of God meant, or what the power of God could mean, and least of all did I suppose that any spirit in all the Spirit World could possibly possess such glory or manifest such power. But, Jesus Christ possesses the glory and power, to such a degree, as to make him almost godlike.
As I said, I was present, and observed him as he wrote to you, also, what he wrote. As he proceeded to tell you that he had selected you to do his work, he was the beautiful Loving Jesus that he always is, as I had seen him. But as he proceeded and you doubted the possibilities of such things, and even to doubt if Jesus was really writing to you, there came into his countenance a wonderful look of authority and power, and then, the more wonderful brightness that outshone the noonday sun, and glory indescribable, and upon which, none of us could look. We fell prostrate to the Earth, as you would say.
Oh, I tell you, the power, which emanated from him was beyond all conception. The wondrous authority that appeared in his whole being was not possible of being withstood, by either spirits or mortals. We were filled with awe and admiration.
When he had finished writing, the glory and brightness that I describe, left him. He again appeared the humble Loving, but beautiful Master. Before leaving us, he gave us his blessings. To me, came a great peace that passeth all understanding. I know now that Jesus is my savior, and that the Divine Love of the Father is a Real Existing Thing. I am striving to obtain it.
I believe in the New Birth. I am praying for it. Your dear grandmother tells me that I will soon get it.
So now, I say to you, that you can declare to the World, that Ingersoll the agnostic, is no longer an agnostic, but a believer in the Father's Divine Love, and in Jesus Christ His Beloved Son, and the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I will not write more tonight. When I shall have gotten my thoughts and feelings together, I will write you at large, and tell you of what my soul says as to my future destiny.
Well, thanking you for your kindness, and for you having such a grandmother, and for such a Jesus, I am, your friend, R. G. Ingersoll.
September 28th, 1915
I am here, Helen.
What a wonderful, happy night we have all had. You and Dr. Stone in the mortal Life, and all of us spirits in the Spirit Life. For I must tell you, that your room has been filled with spirits of all Spheres and conditions.
Your reading of those messages accompanied, by the power of the Divine Love, caused such an emotion among the spirits here, as I have never before seen, since I have been writing to you. Best of all the Master was with us. His great Love and glory seemed to fill the whole room, and all our souls as well. I tell you sweetheart, that Heaven has been with us tonight. Dr. Stone must not wonder that he felt the great power and influence, which he speaks of. Because never before has he been surrounded by such a host of Celestial Spirits, as were with you all tonight. Not the least interested and happy, was his own sweet Mary. Her happiness was really beyond what I can tell you of. She was filled with Love for him, and with the Divine Love. Her Love was glowing to him in great beams of Light and joy.
She wants to write a little, although she says that she is too full of the emotion, which has taken possession of her to write very much.
Mary now writes:
My dear soulmate, I am with you in all my Love and longings. You must believe that I am your own True soulmate, happy in the knowledge that you Love me. In return for all the great Love of my soul, which I send to you without one iota of reservation, you have my Love. My great desire is that you may be happy and contented in the knowledge that your Mary is all your own and not another's. She is with you so very much, and tries to comfort and keep you from everything that will make you unhappy. Many times, when things look a little dark she comes to you with her Love, whispers words of cheer, and tickles your ear to let you know she is with you.
I am glad that your soul is open to the Influence, of not only the Divine Love of the Father, but to the Love of the Master. For he Loves you more than you can imagine, and is also with you very often. He sees that you are in condition to become a follower of him, and that you will also be able to do his work, in conjunction with your friend who writes. He is so gracious and Loving, and so wants you to learn of him, and help spread his Truths, as he sees that you may do. I believe that he will soon write to you, and tell you the way in which you may become his disciple also. For he sees that your soul is longing for the Great Love of the Father, which will make you a power also, in making known the Truths of God to mortals.
I do not know just what you shall do. I know that you will have a mission to perform, and that the Master will be with you in all his Love and power, blessing you until your Life shall become a Great Peace and Happiness.
Oh, my dear Leslie, to think that you too will have such a special friend and Loving saviour. That our souls will have the possibility of becoming one in the Great Love of the Father, even while you are on Earth. I must not write more tonight, but I must say that this night has been to me one of the happiest and soul Loving in all my Spirit Life. So think of me, and write me a long letter tonight. Tell me of your Love to me, and of your great desire to have me close to you.
Goodnight, Mary.
Helen writes:
Well, you can see what Love can do. She Loves him, the Master Loves him, and we all Love him.
What a happy meeting for us all. I must not write more tonight, but only say to you and to him too, pray more to the Father for His Divine Love, and for Faith, and believe.
I am yours forever in Love, Helen.
September 30th, 1915
Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God and in the Master. This is as True tonight as it was when spoken by Jesus to his disciples many centuries ago.
You are his disciple now, just as certainly as were they. While you cannot see him, or hear his voice, as they did, yet the words are just as emphatically spoken tonight, as they were to the other disciples.
You do not realize what Love, and what powerful influences are with you tonight, else you would let your worries flee to the winds, and never return.
I merely want to tell you this to let you see, that there is another of the Celestial Spirits, who knows that the Master's promises will be kept. I am not here because I want to encourage you merely, but because I want to tell you a fact, and fact it is; that you will soon be relieved of your worries.
Go to God in prayer. You will find great consolation, as we have all found consolation in our troubles. When on Earth, we had a great number who were persecuted, resulting in the death of many of us. But we had Faith. Our Faith, and the Love of the Master, helped us over many rough places. I merely want to add another confirmation to those who have told you that you will be relieved of these worries.
I will stop, and say, that I am your brother in Christ, John The Baptist.
September 30th, 1915
I am here, John.
I come to encourage you, and tell you that your worries will soon leave you. Things will get better with you from now on. You will soon be free of the present burning needs. As the Master, who has just written you says, try to believe in what we tell you, for we are with you so very much trying to help and comfort you.
I know that things have looked very dark today. You do not see any relief at hand. It will come, and that very soon. Then you will feel different from what you do now.
I will not write more tonight as you are not in condition to write very long.
Well, I will say that you are now surrounded by the Love and influence of a band of Celestial Spirits, all sending to you their best and kindest wishes, as well as their Love. I am now trying to make you feel my presence and Love. If you will open up your heart, you will realize that you are surrounded by Love.
We are many, and all anxious that you feel our presence. You must pray to the Father more, and ask for more Faith. You will receive it, and will be correspondingly strengthened. So let me say before I close, that you are the special care of the Master. His Love for you tonight was something wonderful. He seemed to let all his Love center on you. I do not doubt that you felt its influence.
I will stop now, and say that you have my Love and blessings.
Your brother in Christ, John.
September 30th, 1915
When the Master said, "Feed my sheep", he not only meant that Peter, and those to whom he was talking, should feed the Spiritual Natures of those who should believe on him, and try to belong to his fold, he also intended that their material wants should be taken care of. Tonight he is saying the same thing. As you are his sheep of special care and Love, he intends that all the things that are necessary for your well-being, shall be given you. So do not doubt at all, but believe that you will be looked after, in all your times of need.
He was so Loving to you tonight, that we were all somewhat astonished at the great Love, which we saw going to you, and thought how dear you must be to him. I have never seen him take such interest in any particular person before. When you realize what his Love and power are, you will be more astonished than were we.
I see what your troubles are. While they may seem mountains high to you, they are merely temporary, and will soon pass away. So believe in what the Master told you, and pray to the Father for Love and Faith.
I will not write more, but will say God Bless you.
Your brother in Christ, John Wesley.
September 30th, 1915
Let the worries go and bury themselves. Turn your thoughts and soul aspirations to God. These are the Things Eternal, and those of the World merely temporary things.
I say this, because I know, that if you will only pray to the Father, and trust in the Master, you will realize that what I say is the Truth, and can be understood and realized by mortals, as well as by spirits. So my brother try to look on these worries in that way. I am with you often, trying to help you, and have you feel my influence and Love.
I will not write more. Garner, the Preacher.
September 30th, 1915
Such are the thoughts of humans when troubles arise. I can do nothing of myself, but will go to my Father and seek His Aid. The thoughts are True. The Aid is certain.
You are that human tonight. You will not be disappointed, for you will find relief from your worries. The Help that the Father shall bring to you.
The Master is all Love. You seem to be his favorite on Earth. You can rest assured that you will not be forsaken. I tell you this because I know from experience.
I will not write more.
I am, your brother in Christ, Barnabas, the Apostle.
September 30th 1915
I am here, Helen.
We, you have had the most wonderful consolatory messages that I have ever known to be given to any morthal. With what Love the Master spoke to you, and tried to comfort you. He is a precious savior. You seem to so dear to him. Try to trust him, and do as he says. These others are all Celestial Spirits, and are also much interested in you, and want you to get rid of your worries. You are sleepy and must go to bed.
So with my Love, I will say goodnight.
Your True and Loving Helen.
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